DeShawn Davis, professionally known as Dream Ear, is on a mission to help artists everywhere take their careers to the next level. With a unique combination of creativity and versatility, he's been making waves in the industry for over 20 years. It all started when he was just 13 years old and built his first music studio using an old computer, a keyboard, and a speaker system. Despite his humble beginnings, he never gave up on his passion and continued to work hard.
Fast forward to today, and DeShawn is the owner and operator of his very own company, Dream Ear Productions. In 2020, they released their debut instrumental album, "The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of 1.0", which received rave reviews. But DeShawn isn't stopping there, he's also just released his latest single, "Kiss Me", which he wrote and produced himself. And if that wasn't enough, he has more music coming up later this year in collaboration with Oaklands' own Mistah F.A.B.
DeShawn's journey from building his studio with a bootlegged software to being a successful Entrepreneur should be an inspiration to anyone. He's living proof that if you work hard and follow your dreams, anything is possible. So, don't give up on your passion, stay motivated, and check out DeShawn's career timeline, you might just be surprised at what you can accomplish too!